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Wanna Make Money Online?

An educational blog on different ways to make money online and avoid the scams out there. People can post their comments, ideas and ways they are making money online or the scams they fell for.

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Location: San Joaquin Valley, California, United States

I am a single Mother of 3 wonderful kids, ages; 15, 16, and 17yrs old. When I was married we tried to have kids for over 6 yrs with no luck. We figured there were a lot of great kids that needed homes so we decided to adopt. We adopted a wonderful one yr old boy in 2004, then adopted his newborn sister a few months later. A week after we got her, I found out I was pregnant! So I went from having no kids, to having 3 kids in less than a year. Be careful what you pray for! I am Family Peer Support Specialist at a non-profit for people with co-occurring diagnosis' such as an addiction and depression, anxiety, etc. Anna is a big believer in the Law of Attraction and has seen it do amazing things in her life.

Friday, November 10, 2006

How to Work at Home and Earn an Income - Chris Rohrer

If you are like me and the millions of other people in the world you probably are looking for a way to create wealth working online from your home. First let me clear a few things up before I begin. Working at home can be done but you must have the will and power to do it. One last thing, working at home is a job. It is not going to be easy, and if you want to make money you are going to have to spend money.

Finding a business that fits you. You first must find a business that fits you and what you are set out to do. Some things to look for when searching for this business are. Do you know a lot about the business already? Is there proof that it really pays, and works? Will you be able to answer questions about what is you are doing, and will you be able to teach and help others that are going to buy whatever it your going to be selling? With that said these are all keys points that you must take when searching for a business to work with. If you do not follow this very important step it could impact the amount of money you make. If you know little about what you sell or offer how can you convince someone to buy it?

Second part of setting up a work at home business. You must set up a place for them to read, and see what you are offering. So a web site is a must! Everyone say’s “well I don’t know how to make a web site” or “mine doesn’t look good enough”. Well guess what know matter how well your site looks it is not really going to play much of a factor into how well your product sells. I myself have 2 website and they both are not great looking but they make money. The thing that makes your product sell is what your content says. This is key! You MUST convince them that your product is better then the rest, and if they do not buy yours all others will fail. Also a big thing people love is to see PROOF. Does this really work? Are you really making money off this? If you can get some type of proof onto your web site showing that YES you are making money people will buy your product. Do this and you will have no problem selling anything online.

Another good thing to increase the number of sales you make is offering something they cannot refuse. Give them something free, or cut the price. Everyone likes free things, and we all love saving money!

The third part and the hardest part. How do you get people to view your web site and see what you have to offer them? This is where people fail. Why? Because they go about it the wrong way and they give up to easily and quick. You WILL NOT get millions of people to your site over night. It took me just 3 months alone to start getting a nice amount of traffic to my site each day without paying for it. Now you probably think just submitting your site to a few search engines is good enough. Well you are wrong. A good way to start off and go about this is in the right direction is to SEO your site first. Make it so search engines love your site. Add a title bold a few keywords, and add keywords that will sell and draw people to your site. Also make sure on your web site you have a links page. Search engines love sites with links. Link exchange with everyone you can. Just try not to put all your links onto one page. As this can harm your page rankings.

When getting traffic to your site make sure you bring the CORRECT traffic. If you are bringing someone to your site that is out on the web to buy cloths, and you are selling a book they more then likely will not purchase your item. All though it is always said all traffic is good traffic cause you just never know who exactly will buy from you.

Second part to bring traffic to your site is simple. Like I said before to make money you must spend it. So sign up for Pay Per Click search. Use google, goclicks, yahoo, search123. You will find out that with some you will pay more then others.

Next you will want to start writing articles and submitting them to article directories. Why write articles? If you are not good at SEO and getting your site to the top of google or any other search engines articles will blast there way to the top very fast and easy if you write a good one. If done correctly you can bring in a lot of traffic this way. When writing your articles always write informational ones about your product and ALWAYS have a link to your web site at the bottom of it.

If you want to spend the money you can also write a press release. You can send one out for about $80. This is just like and article but only 10x better. You write something about your product and have it sent out in a press release. These get a lot more exposure and more hits then a normal article does.

One last way to draw people into your site, and is probably the most unused because most people think it doesn’t work but IT DOES. Just using word of mouth. Make sure everyone and anyone you talk to knows about your site, and what you sell.

With all that said if you read this and follow it you should be able to:

Find a business that will make you money How to start out and get people to buy your product How to create a flow of traffic to your site

See my work at home program that is REAL and MAKES MONEY. I use this and I help others use it to make money as well. Visit Make Money Online Now for more information.

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