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Wanna Make Money Online?

An educational blog on different ways to make money online and avoid the scams out there. People can post their comments, ideas and ways they are making money online or the scams they fell for.

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Location: San Joaquin Valley, California, United States

I am a single Mother of 3 wonderful kids, ages; 15, 16, and 17yrs old. When I was married we tried to have kids for over 6 yrs with no luck. We figured there were a lot of great kids that needed homes so we decided to adopt. We adopted a wonderful one yr old boy in 2004, then adopted his newborn sister a few months later. A week after we got her, I found out I was pregnant! So I went from having no kids, to having 3 kids in less than a year. Be careful what you pray for! I am Family Peer Support Specialist at a non-profit for people with co-occurring diagnosis' such as an addiction and depression, anxiety, etc. Anna is a big believer in the Law of Attraction and has seen it do amazing things in her life.

Monday, October 30, 2006

The Rich Jerk Review - By Anna Allen

" Get rich while you sleep." " Become a millionaire fast!".... sound familiar? Many companies and ebooks claim you can get rich quick and you can do this by doing very little work. Don't be fooled! Many are scams. I have bought and researched many ebooks making these outrageous claims and I have yet to become one of these so-called millionaires. Don't get me wrong, there ARE legitimate money making programs out there that can and will make you money, but there IS, and always will be, work involved.

Through my years of research my top choice for a money making opportunity would have to be The Rich Jerk. This is one of the best eBooks I've read. It's jam packed full of helpful information. In his book, the Rich Jerk reveals the very same unique strategies that he uses himself. The Rich Jerk does not beat around the bush. He's very straight forward and to the point. He's the Howard Stern of Internet Marketing. He's in your face, rude, obnoxious and he just doesn't care if he hurts your feellings. He's not here to make friends; he's here to make money, and he does it very well. This guy is the real deal and his online success has just been phenomenal.

The Rich Jerk has been on Howard Stern, has his own infomercial and has a big following. Many people try to copy the Rich Jerk's unique style, but he's the original rude jerk. If you don't believe me, visit his site.

Let me warn you; his site is not for people who get their feelings hurt easily. Another friendly warning: his site contains some adult language.

If you really want to make money online I highly recommend The Rich Jerk. This is perfect for you if you are into affiliate marketing or you are an AdWords or other pay-per-click user.

After your purchase, The Rich Jerk provides you with excellent customer support and access to The Rich Jerk forum which is updated daily. The Rich Jerk also has his own blog which is always fun and interesting to read. There is also a 60 day money back guarantee. You can't go wrong. If you're not sure if this is for you, he will even give you a free website. What can be better than that? For more information visit The Rich Jerk website.

To your success,

Anna A.


Blogger Toby Sheets said...

Thank you, Anna, for your review of the Rich Jerk. I've heard about it and received offers for it but haven't gotten it yet. His techniques are rather abrasive and crude which has made me not want to patronize him and his work. I am a Christian (I like your 3 F's - Faith, Family, Friends) and can't quite justify buying and then using his techniques. Maybe your review will help me feel more comfortable about this.


PS: For years, I've used your alcohol-in-the-ear trick to remove water. Maybe you do this too, but I just tip my head back down so the water/alcohol can drain out - WHAT RELIEF!!!!!:)

2:51 PM  
Blogger Toby Sheets said...

Thanks for replying back to me/visiting my blog - I didn't bookmark your blog and couldn't find it again :(

Also, I am so thrilled for you!! I know of many couples who have adopted and then get pregnant.

I'll revisit your blog for more information. Have a great day!

PS: I thought I sent you this comment a few days ago but all I did was make a comment to myself on my own blog - duh!

9:39 PM  

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