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Wanna Make Money Online?

An educational blog on different ways to make money online and avoid the scams out there. People can post their comments, ideas and ways they are making money online or the scams they fell for.

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Location: San Joaquin Valley, California, United States

I am a single Mother of 3 wonderful kids, ages; 15, 16, and 17yrs old. When I was married we tried to have kids for over 6 yrs with no luck. We figured there were a lot of great kids that needed homes so we decided to adopt. We adopted a wonderful one yr old boy in 2004, then adopted his newborn sister a few months later. A week after we got her, I found out I was pregnant! So I went from having no kids, to having 3 kids in less than a year. Be careful what you pray for! I am Family Peer Support Specialist at a non-profit for people with co-occurring diagnosis' such as an addiction and depression, anxiety, etc. Anna is a big believer in the Law of Attraction and has seen it do amazing things in her life.

Saturday, January 28, 2006

When am I going to Start Making Money? - By Bill McRea

This is the hard part because everyone is so excited about their new internet marketing venture, and they’ve read the hype about making $3,500 a week and becoming an instant dot com millionaire. Well, it just does not work that way. But you can make money doing simple things.

First you need to be reasonable with yourself, and learn patience. It’s going to take several months of work until you start to see any results. It’s going to take time for the search engines to find your site and index it. It’s going to take time before you have a stead stream of traffic coming to your site. If you want success, you have to plan to be persistent and have plenty of patience.

Set your goals in small steps. First begin with the end in mind. A boat never left port that did not have a destination, that would be foolish, so plan a easily attainable destination. My first goal was $1 per day in Adsense and Chikita, and I wanted to be at that goal within 30 days of launching my first site. A reasonable goal, and it covered all of my cost for the site. My next goal was $100 per month in income from Adsense, Chikita and Clickbank. I expect to hit this target within 3 months…..WHAT, I’m not a dot com millionaire yet? This is reality, these are real results.

My next goal was $500 a month. I started selling hard goods as an affiliate in addition to Clickbank and advertising income. This took only one month after reaching the $100 goal. Now we’re talking! The snow ball effect, growth would surely be exponential in the future…. NO...again I kept adding sites, doing research and working on scripts that will automate my ecommerce operations. Oh yea… I found some free one that are making me tons of money NOW!

The goal of $1,000 per month was much more difficult to reach, but after 3 months of reaching the $500 goal I was consistently making over $1,000 per month.

Next step for me is $10,000 a month! I will achieve this through repetition and replication. More sites, more Blogs, and more affiliate marketing. I expect to be at this level of income within 6 months.

I’m not getting rich quick, but I will be making a nice second income. One that should continue until Google, Chitika, Clickbank or some of the affiliates programs I belong to change their policies. Then, I’ll have to rethink my strategy and continue to plug away.

Bill McRea is the publisher of The Guitar Warehouse and Free Information About Internet Marketing. Both sites offer free information

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