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Wanna Make Money Online?

An educational blog on different ways to make money online and avoid the scams out there. People can post their comments, ideas and ways they are making money online or the scams they fell for.

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Location: San Joaquin Valley, California, United States

I am a single Mother of 3 wonderful kids, ages; 15, 16, and 17yrs old. When I was married we tried to have kids for over 6 yrs with no luck. We figured there were a lot of great kids that needed homes so we decided to adopt. We adopted a wonderful one yr old boy in 2004, then adopted his newborn sister a few months later. A week after we got her, I found out I was pregnant! So I went from having no kids, to having 3 kids in less than a year. Be careful what you pray for! I am Family Peer Support Specialist at a non-profit for people with co-occurring diagnosis' such as an addiction and depression, anxiety, etc. Anna is a big believer in the Law of Attraction and has seen it do amazing things in her life.

Monday, October 17, 2005

You Really Can Make Money On The Internet! - By: Richard Weberg

Dont be afraid you really can make money on the internet! Learning to develope consistant traffic for your products and services on the internet can be a daunting task for the internet "NEWBIE". Getting those all important first sales to keep you going is crucial! People tend to quit real easy because they never receive any results or belief that what they are doing will work!

Please excuse my English, I am not very educated and I am not very good on the computer. My name is Richard weberg and this is my personal experience.

I started building my internet business about a year ago, it was really confusing! Every website would tell me somthing else, like if you dont use enzines or have a massive list you wont make any money! Every site I went to had some different philosophy, on how to make money on the internet. What I have found out from my experience is, it dosnt matter what you sell on the internet, you can sell anything! What matters is learning to develope a consistant flow of non stop traffic. Your traffic should come from many different advertising avenues.

I have used just about every kind of traffic program out their free and paid ones. Here is a list: auto traffic exchanges, manual traffic exchanges, start pages, pay per click search engines, I submitted my urls manually to all the search engines I could find, banner exchanges, link exchanges, viral traffic programs, posted to business forums, safelist. I tried to use every free traffic program I could find. I had a limited budget and couldnt afford alot for paid advertising. I did is much low cost paid advertising as I could! This may surprise some of you but I dont own my own website and I have never used an enzine and I dont have a massive list! This is exactly what I do

I started with a url rotator, and every day I will login by dial up and add 2 income urls plus 2 traffic producing urls to my rotator. Every Day I would do this, 7 Days a week for 3 months. I Never, Never considered I would fail. I refuse to think I can fail at this. I was totally determined to earn an income on the internet. You see ... I was unemployed, in the process of getting evicted from my apartment, my wife was on the brink of leaving me and I needed to build some form of personal wealth, to send my 3 sons to college. At this time, I was personally in debt and dead broke. I was motivated, but I am not one to whine about my financial difficulties. It took 3 months, but I had a whole bunch of urls on my Rotator, some for income and some to generate traffic.

Two Months Later ...

In my mailbox, I received 22 CHECKS, each averaging $120.00. That's $2,640.00 For That day. Every day after that I was receiving checks in the mail and in my paypal account, Now also my Stormpay account. My Franchise Website is now earning over $25,000 a Month, My Supermall earns me about $8,000 a month all stores combined, and all my other income producing urls earn me another $14,000 a month.I do not judge the programs, I have no opinions, I simply placed it there, send traffic to it and allow it to earn me income. It's building and growing now by leaps and bounds. Some are dead, but most is alive and that's all I care about. The real trick I beleive to this internet thing is NOT GIVING UP AND POUNDING AS MUCH TRAFFIC TO YOUR URLS AS YOU CAN, I DONT CARE WEATHER IT IS FREE OR PAID! It will pay off if you dont give up! You will learn as you go.

Here are two great traffic resources to get you started:

Richard Weberg

About the Author: Richard Weberg POB 801 Hibbing, MN 55746



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